Geotechnical Engineering, Subsurface Exploration, Drilling
Materials Engineering, Construction Testing & Environmental Services
As a registered Professional and Consulting Engineering firm, and certified by the Indiana Department of Transportation and a prequalified designer by the Public Works Certification Board for the Department of Administration for the State of Indiana, GEOTILL places the highest priority on properly defining and understanding our clients’ needs. Accordingly, we use a project team approach to evaluate all aspects of a client’s project. Our staff of professional engineers, project managers, and certified technicians collectively has many years of experience in foundation and geotechnical engineering and materials testing projects.
GEOTILL’s staff is committed to resolving the foundation and geotechnical-related problems all the way through construction services and materials testing confronting our clients actively, economically, efficiently, and with minimum interruption to normal routine.
GEOTILL is unique for the ability to offer engineering and testing package services that allow our clients more control, continuity, and a cost-effective solutions to their projects.
GEOTILL routinely provides geotechnical evaluations, site exploration, and materials testing and consulting to small and large construction, engineering, architectural, retail, and development firms, as well as local governmental agencies.
Bjerrum, Terzaghi, Casagrande- Aug. 1957
Traditional Geotechnical Services
Geotill’s traditional geotechnical services include projects range from basic footing inspections to complex geotechnical evaluations. They include engineering analyses and design recommendations for shallow (spread footings and mat foundations) and deep (auger-cast, drilled pier, driven piles, aggregate columns, stone columns) foundation systems, and earth retention systems including drilled pier, sheetpile walls, slurry walls, braced excavations, segmental, soldier pile, soil nail, MSE and modular block walls, large block walls and stone gravity retaining walls. Our geotechnical personnel are also experienced with site development including site grading, construction of engineered fills and retention systems, and infrastructure improvements, including water and sewer lines.
Instrumentation Geotechnical Services
Our instrumentation geotechnical services include instrumentation for tieback installation, settlement monitoring, deep foundation load testing, slope inclinometer monitoring, vibrating wire piezometers, settlement cells and earth pressure cells. Our staff has experience in instrumentation, installation, commissioning of geotechnical instruments, knowledge of Instrumentation Geo-Control Systems and IT.

Fully automated Stress Path Triaxial Systems
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Laboratory
The Soil Mechanics Laboratory of Geotill Engineering provides excellence in experimental projects studies. The Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Laboratory at Geotill involves in both the mechanical properties of geo materials and transport processes for fluids and gases through geo materials. Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering includes the analysis and design of foundation systems, slope stability analysis, design and construction of earthworks (including pavement subgrades, embankments, dams and levees, and earthfills), evaluation and control of seepage and flow through porous media, analysis and design of waste containment systems, and geotechnical aspects of earthquake engineering.
Advanced Geotechnical Services
We have extensive advanced geotechnical capabilities that give our clients the competitive advantage. Our engineers had the privilege to successfully completed geotechnical studies for a verity of advanced geotechnical services, including:
- Numerical Modeling
- 2 D and 3 D for design optimization and assessment of ground displacements and soil-structure interaction
- Soil and Rock Dynamics
- Seismic Site Response
- Liquefaction
- Seismic Design of Underground Structures
- Tunnels and Underground Structures
- Pressure Tunnel
- Tunnels in Soft Clay and Rock
- Sinking Caissons
- Shafts in Soils and Rock
- Instrumentation Programs
- Underground Caverns
- Embankments and Dams
- Earth and Rock Filled Dams
- Embankment on Soft Clays with Wick Drains
- Tailing Dams
- Forensic Engineering & Litigation Support
- Failure Investigation
- Expert Witness
- Construction Claim Support
Drilling Services
GEOTILL’s Geotechnical Drilling and environmental soils drilling services provide accurate, reliable information in a cost effective manner.
Environmental Services
GEOTILL is a full-service environmental consulting firm based in Indiana. The environmental services include Phase I & Phase II environmental site assessments, building decontamination, Investigation & Remediation Services.
Construction & Concrete Testing
Concrete and aggregate testing plays a vital role in the construction project by providing owners, designers, and contractors with valuable information throughout a project’s progress. GEOTILL operates fully equipped, state-of-the-art concrete testing laboratories specifically devoted to the testing and analysis of cementious materials. We provide mortar testing, sand testing, concrete testing, aggregate testing, and stone testing services.
In order verify that the materials used during construction such as backfill compaction and other related testing comply with the project specifications. Geotill is capable to respond quickly to ever-changing construction needs and schedules. We respond with innovative solutions and alternatives that target your long-term performance objectives while considering cost consequences.
- Special Inspections
- On-site Observation and Monitoring
CME 75 Drilling Rig
- Compaction Soil Testing
- Construction Quality Control and Quality Assurance Programs
- Field and Laboratory Testing and Analysis
- Design and Review of Concrete, Grout and Asphaltic Concrete Mixes
- Structural Steel Nondestructive Testing
- Deep Foundation Nondestructive Testing (NDT)
- Forensic Investigation and Evaluation of In-place Materials