Groundwater evaluations have been an integral part of GEOTILL services , supporting efforts to develop groundwater production as well as groundwater recharge. Investigations have ranged from small isolated groundwater basins to large regional groundwater basins, and from locating individual wells to wellfields; however, the fundamental elements remain the same: groundwater geology, occurrence and movement of groundwater, and groundwater quality. It is this back-to-basics approach that has given GEOTILL the understanding necessary to develop innovative groundwater projects.
The development of groundwater management programs has required detailed studies of yield and quality, conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater, clear understanding of basin hydrology, balancing of municipal and agricultural requirements for quality, reliability and quantity, and the planning, design, and construction management of water recharge facilities, well fields, and water conveyance facilities. We are proud of our track record in the integration of these complex studies and facilities to achieve multiple goals and provide an equitable balancing of costs and benefits for our clients.