Soil lab

GEOTILL maintains a state-of-the-art fully automated geotechnical-testing laboratory with services ranging from index testing to advanced strength and permeability testing.  Experience testing for advanced strength and constitutive models including: SHANSEP and Cam-clay.  The Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Inspection Services Departments of Geotill maintain an active program for quality control. This program satisfies the requirements of the Indiana Department of Transportation and the AASHTO Accredit to enhance our laboratory capabilities, Geotill participate in the Proficiency Sample Program with AASHTO.  Participation in the continuing sample proficiency program involves testing on controlled samples and the comparison of test results with other laboratories. Our laboratory has qualified technicians who are experienced in AASHTO, ASTM, and other generally accepted test methods. Our laboratory and experienced personnel are capable of performing a wide range of tests for soils, aggregate, Portland cement concrete, asphalt and other materials. Training and certification of our personnel is the most important aspect of the quality in Geotill service. We strongly encourage continuing education in respective fields and require certification for drilling and specific materials testing. The field personnel are fully equipped to perform the assigned drilling and field-testing tasks with properly maintained and calibrated equipment. Geotill emphasizes good communication and interpersonal skills that make our personnel valuable assets to the construction management team.

Construction Materials Testing & Inspection Services

GEOTILL operates construction materials testing laboratories capable of performing in-house or on-site testing and inspection services. Our Professional Engineers and certified technicians, provide professional recommendations based on their experience and knowledge of the properties and composition of the different materials



GEOTILL’s primary function is laboratory soils testing for geotechnical engineering consultants, civil and environmental consultants; also for government agencies, contractors, private firms and homeowners. We have also done a considerable amount of strength testing(triaxial, dss, etc.) for the mining industry. The projects we have worked on have involved an extensive use of the SHANSEP method on fine tailings. For all our projects we provide quality geotechnical lab testing in a timely manner.

Most commonly requested testing

  • Water Content: ASTM:D2216 and D4959
  • Moisture Density: ASTM:D7263
  • Atterberg Limits and MBI: Plasticity Index ASTM:D4318, Shrinkage Limit ASTM:D427,
    Fall Cone Liquid Limit BS 1377-2
  • Sieve and Hydrometer Analysis: ASTM:D422
  • Sieve Analysis: ASTM:D6913
  • Specific Gravity: ASTM:D854
  • pH: ASTM:D4972(methods A or B) or ASTM:G51
  • Organic Content: ASTM:D2974
  • Standard and Modified Proctor: ASTM:D698 and ASTM:D1557
  • California Bearing Ratio (CBR): ASTM:D1883
  • Unconfined Compression: ASTM:D2166 and ASTM:D7012
  • Direct Simple Shear (DSS): ASTM:D6528
  • Triaxial Compression: Unconsolidated-Undrained ASTM:D6528, Consolidated-Undrained with
    pp readings ASTM:D4767
  • Direct Shear: ASTM:D3080
  • Modified Torsional Ring Shear: ASTM:D6467
  • Consolidation: ASTM:D2435
  • Swell Test: ASTM:D4546
  • Resistivity: Thermal Resistivity / Conductivity ASTM:D5334  Miller Box ASTM:G187
  • Dispersion: Pinhole ASTM:D6467, Crumb Test ASTM:D6572, Double Hydrometer ASTM:D4221
  • Permeability: Falling Head ASTM:D5084, Constant Head ASTM:D5856,D2434,D4511
  • Grout Testing (Strength, Permeability, Density, etc.)
  • Various testing protocols associated with the physical properties of oil sands
  • Frac Sand Testing: Crush Resistance (API-RP 19C, sec.11), Acid Solubility (API-RP 19C, sec.8) , Bulk Density (API-RP 19C, sec.10), Sphericity and Roundness (API-RP 19C, sec.7)
  • Collapse Potential of Soils: ASTM:D5333


Stress Path Triaxial Testing and Constant Rate of Strain Consolidation Testing (CRS)

GEOTILL has two fully automated triaxial compression load frames with 4 flow pumps. These new units combine with 2 additional load frames with data aquisition and a total of 17 triaxial cells to create a tremendous triaxial testing capacity. The fully automated triaxial load frames have extension testing capabilities along with stress path software for running Ko consolidation and shear tests.



Fully automated Stress Path Triaxial Systems




Automated Consolidation Testing




Direct Shear



Torsional Ring Shear