Our Professional Engineers and certified technicians, provide professional recom­mendations based on their experience and knowledge of the properties and composition of the different materials. Geotill is proud to offer an experienced staff of technicians and inspectors providing field construction testing and inspection in Indiana.  Areas of expertise include grading and soils compaction; installation of shallow and deep foundation systems, tiebacks installation; batching and placement of Portland cement concrete and asphaltic concrete; floor flatness testing and field instrumentation.

GEOTILL operates construction materials testing laboratories capable of performing in-house or on-site testing and inspection services.

GEOTILL is equipped to offer a wide range of geotechnical services in investigation, design and inspection capacities for residential, commercial, industrial and transportation development.

GEOTILL, Inc. provides full service construction materials testing and inspection services from each of our office locations. We believe that the purpose of the testing/inspection element on a project is to enhance the construction process, and to serve as a team member in verifying construction quality and assisting in the project being completed on time, and on budget. Our personnel are trained and equipped to deal with issues as they occur, and to help, where appropriate, to resolve them.

Our field representatives are radio dispatched and are cross-trained in various areas of testing and inspection, to allow for rapid and effective response to our client’s need. At GEOTILL, we endeavor to be a contributing member of the construction team.


At GEOTILL, we provide testing and inspection services for virtually all aspects of foundation construction. Our experienced technicians conduct tests to evaluate the in-place density and moisture of fill and subgrade soils, and they monitor fill placement and compaction. We evaluate sufficiency of deep, soil improvement procedures (soil grouting, deep compaction, vibro-densification, etc.). We also monitor the installation of deep foundations and conduct load tests on installed piles and drilled shafts. Our field inspectors also test and observe placement of concrete and reinforcing steel for the structural foundation elements (i.e., footings, grade beams, structural mats, slabs, etc.).


GEOTILL’ technicians provide testing and inspection services for both flexible and rigid pavements. Services are provided both at the construction site and at the materials supply plants. We provide mix-design services for pavement materials (asphaltic concrete, Portland cement concrete, soil cement, etc.), observation and testing at the batch plants to evaluate compliance with the mix-design, and testing of the in-place product to verify compliance with the project plans and specifications. We also provide destructive and non-destructive testing of completed pavement sections. GEOTILL’ technicians are tested and certified by the Indiana Department of Transportation, and our construction materials testing laboratories are inspected yearly by INDOT.


GEOTILL’ personnel are trained and equipped to provide construction testing and inspection services for structural elements. We test fresh concrete, observe its placement, and if necessary, we can evaluate the condition of hardened concrete using either destructive or non- destructive methods. Our field representatives can observe reinforcing steel placement and post tensioning operators. We provide visual inspection and non-destructive testing of structural steel both in the field and in the fabrication plant. Further, our experienced technicians inspect fabrication of precast/prestressed concrete products. We are capable of testing wood, masonry, and roofing materials. On our staff we have certified Threshold Inspectors who supervise threshold agents and field technicians to provide Special Inspection services required by Florida law.

Other Testing

GEOTILL is capable of providing testing and inspection services for many other types of projects. We are especially qualified and experience with testing related to environmental and waste disposal projects. We provide quality control testing for natural soil and synthetic liners, and monitoring of slurry wall construction. We are truly a full service construction materials testing and inspection organization, and we have provided services on thousands of projects, and can satisfy our clients’ needs on virtually any type of assignment.

Concrete Testing

ASTM C231 – Air Content by Pressure Method

ASTM C173 – Air Content by Volumetric Method

ASTM C138 – Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content

ASTM C143 – Slump Test

ASTM C172 – Sampling Fresh Concrete

ASTM C1064 – Temperature

ASTM C31 – Making & Curing Concrete Specimens in the Field