Tunnelling Services
GEOTILL’s specialists in structural geology, engineering geology, hydrogeology, and soil and rock mechanics provide site investigation, feasibility, testing, design, instrumentation and construction services for wide range of tunnelling projects. Our tunneling team provides specialist knowledge in tunnel design and engineering with good understanding of tunnels in hard rock and soft ground, segment lining, drill and blast tunnel excavation, trenchless methods, micro-tunnelling, pipe-jacking, shaft sinking in soft ground and rock and refurbishment of tunnels.
Our Tunnelling Services consists of qualified engineers and scientists with experience in soft-ground and rock tunneling projects including hydroelectric power tunnels, storm water tunnels, highway and rail transportation.
GEOTILL’s expertise in soil and rock mechanics and engineering geology enables thorough characterization of the soil or rock to be excavated, the ground conditions, groundwater conditions, and any environmental constraints. These steps are essential to the selection of safe and cost-effective tunnelling methods and design.
Some of GEOTILL’s tunnel projects were in populated areas which have more comprehensive instrumentation and monitoring program that additionally includes monitoring of ground conditions, underground water levels, tilt and settlement of nearby buildings or other structures of interest in the vicinity of the tunnel alignment. Instrumentation monitoring for tunnels in populated areas includes monitoring of the structures under construction together with the ground, buildings and other facilities within the predicted zone of influence.
GEOTILL provides effective engineering, consulting ,design and forensic services for underground projects. We specialize in shafts to large diameter rock and soil mechanized tunneling, drill-and-blast hard rock excavation and, microtunneling, dewatering , support of excavation design and geotechnical investigations . Our team of geologists, underground engineers, and construction management specialists know how to streamline design processes for your next underground project.
You are invited to contact our tunnel and shaft design specialists to learn more about how GEOTILL can help you with the planning, design, instrumentation and construction management of your next project.