Soil Drilling

With experienced team of drilling crews, site supervisors, field technicians , geotechnical and geo-environmental engineers, all supported by an experienced management team, GEOTILL are able to deliver site investigation projects of the highest quality.

GEOTILL are at the forefront of the industry and have delivered some of the most complex and technically challenging site investigations undertaken in the Midwest USA.


  • Formed holes to 500 ft in depth
  • Accessed positions in building basements
  • Formed inclined holes in cliff faces
  • Operated from platforms to form holes on peat bogs
  • Worked overwater using jack up platforms and pontoons

The Company has the enviable record of delivering some of the most complex and technically challenging drilling ground investigations undertaken in the Midwest USA for Geotechnical and Environmental projects. GEOTILL work across all environs, both on land and overwater, forming exploratory holes up to 500 ft in depth and using a variety of exploration methods including the sophisticated wireline “Geobore S” triple tube drilling system.

GEOTILL are at the forefront of the industry combining conventional investigation methods with innovative techniques for data capture, acquisition and interpretation, bringing a new dimension to the field of ground investigation.

With a truly flexible approach, GEOTILL are able to provide a bespoke service to fulfil all our customers requirements.

Angle -Side Slope Drilling

We have Rigs on site that are capable of angle-side slope drilling. Angle-Slope drilling is for working on steep slopes and dams. The rigs allow us to drill at an angle from a flat surface or drill vertical from a slope surface.

Air Sparge Wells

Environmental remediation. The sparge is a well that is set at 10ft under the soil. Used for pushing vapors up which sit at the top of the water table. As the vapors come up there are other surrounding wells (Vapor Extraction Well) that suck the vapors in so they can be measured and extract contaminants.

Cathodic Protection Well

These wells are installed to protect metallic objects in contact with the ground from electrolytic corrosion.

Casing Advancement

Allowing the advancement of casing simultaneously with the drilling tools, typically in 3” and 4” sizes depending on the tooling needed, this technology allows the borehole to be advanced through unstable geologic formations.

Chemical Injections

Injection of specific compounds that are determined by the contamination in the ground. We drill the hole and install the wells, then inject the compounds. Chemicals are used to remediate/break down the contamination so it’s not volatile.

Concrete Coring

Used when a sample of a roadway or pad is needed to see what the thickness & consistency of the ground is. Basically, we are creating a hole for us to be able to drill with structural capacity.

Denison Core Barrel Sampler

Coring device used in unconsolidated formations or very tight dense formations that are not bedrock. Used for obtaining undisturbed samples of material that is medium hardness, not soft cohesive. Used for coring glacial till or weathered rock. If you try to core weathered rock with a conventional core barrel it will wash it away and you won’t get any recovery – same thing with soil.

Dynamic Cone Penetrometer

Bought specifically for the Sandy Hurricane effort for houses that needed to be replaced but we couldn’t get drilling equipment to the drilling location. A Dynamic Cone Penetrometer allows you to drill down in tight spots to obtain samples of the ground. Once the sample is obtained you upload the info to their website and use their formula to translate that into standard penetration sampling to determine what you need to do to build a new house. If you can’t get a drill rig to the site you can gather information up to 14 to 15 ft.. The Dynamic Cone Penetrometer is a limited access technology for where you can’t get standard drilling equipment.

Discrete Sampling

Geoprobe work. Basically sampling from a specific depth with the geoprobe. Discrete sampling works by driving the sampler, with a disposable point, down to a certain depth to grab samples of the soil from that specific area.

Dual Tube Sampling

Geoprobe work. Dual tube allows you to advance down the hole with leaving the casing in the hole so that the hole does not collapse on you.

Geo Probe

A drill rig, which takes shallow soil samples or puts in monitoring wells or injection wells using direct push technology – push rods to obtain samples of the ground.

Hollow Stem

Hollow Atem Augur is a drilling tool. It’s an Augur drill rod that’s hollow in the middle allowing you to drill down and advance different sampling tools through the Earth. Essentially, a hollow stem is a casing that allows you to easily push sampling tools down through the soil undisturbed.

Inclinometer Installation

Helps determine the slope of dam walls, berms, etc. to make sure they are stable and not moving. The tool is smooth on the outside and has grooves on the inside to wind its way down through the ground to take readings.

Injection Wells

Used for injecting chemicals into the ground for remediation.

HQ & NQ Rock Coring

HQ is a double tube 4” core barrel allowing you pull out a larger core sample.

NQ is most commonly used

HW & NW Casing Advancement

A form of drilling through unconsolidated cobbles, boulders, and glacial till type material. The casing advancement has a diamond shoe on the end of the casing with a tri column carbine tooth roller bit sticking out of the casing. The roller bit makes a pilot hole and the diamond shoe is doing the rest of the cutting. This helps you advance down through difficult drilling conditions to take samples. Used for material that is really susceptible of caving in on you.

LIF – Laser Induced Fluorescence

LIF is a spectroscopic method used for studying the structure of molecules, detection of selective species and flow visualization and measurements.

Limited-Access Drilling

Options include the track-mounted Acker Soil Scout that can drill with 8.5’ minimum overhead
clearance and 4’ width restrictions, as well as larger tracked rig options where the tower can be split such as our Acker XLS. Where more width/height is available for building entries, this rig maintains the deep coring and sampling capabilities of other full sized rig options.

Low Clearance or Indoor Work

A smaller rig. Narrower, lower masts for working indoors with lower ceilings or narrow hallways.

Mud Rotary Drilling

Used for drilling in unconsolidated formations where you have a lot of fine sediments like sand, silks, uncohesive clays and where you have to drill with a mud mixer that helps keep the hole stable

Packer Testing

Packer testing is a technique in which one or more inflatable bladders, or packers, are used to isolate different regions of a borehole for water sampling.

Monitoring Wells

Slotted PVC pipe that goes in the hole and is sand packed to make a filter for the well. Used for monitoring ground water and for pulling ground water samples.

Pre packed Wells

Slotted PVC pipe that already has sand packed in it. Used for stuff to keep open.

Recovery Wells

Used to recover high volumes of water that is contaminated from the well. A well is drilled through contaminated material, then it is sand packed and then a pump is put into the well to pump the water into a treatment system to burn off the gas or contamination. After the contamination is burned off the water is then discharged back into the ground.

Rock Coring

If simply determining auger and split spoon refusal is not enough, coring services can be provided to determine specific rock formations. Tooling methods include NQ and HQ wire line rock coring. For client convenience, core samples can be boxed and labeled for shipping or transportation to their preferred location.

Undisturbed Samples

To collect relatively undisturbed samples of certain soil profiles, namely clays and fine cohesive soils, our clients look to us for Shelby tube samples. Enabling them to test for properties such as strength and compressibility, they are very useful for testing soils and strata that are particularly sensitive to sampling disturbance. When the deposits harden but not quite enough where rock coring is effective, we enable Denison core barrel samplers to recover samples of hardpan and other highly compacted formations.

Soil Boring & Sampling

Is taken for the structural analysis of the soil.

Soil Gas / Vapor Points

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SPT Split Spoon Sampling 

Equipped with both auto-hammers for maximum efficiency as well as cathead applications, all of Allied’s Hollow Stem Auger rigs are capable of advancing split spoons through the subsurface to collect overburden samples. Experienced drillers will maintain detailed logs to record the subsurface sample characteristics as well as blow counts to complete the process.

Temporary Wells

PVC pipe schedule 40 that’s put in to measure ground water or pull a ground sample out. The temporary well that stays in for 24 hrs or less.

Vacuum Excavation

Used to clear or suck in soil up to 10 ft of a bore hole to make sure there are no utilities in the way. It is an nonintrusive way of digging around potentially sensitive utilities.

Air Knife

Cuts or loosens up the soil to help with the vacuum excavation

Vapor Extraction Wells

A treatment process for in situ remediation of volatile contaminants in the soil.

Water Samples

Used for obtaining water samples from the soil.

Well Abandonment

For environmental purposes, when a well is being abandoned we fill the wells with cement and remove the manhole.

Well Development & Sampling

The proper development of monitoring wells.

GeoProbe Drilling