Our experience in the application of blasting techniques for rock excavation include initial planning and feasibility studies, and developing specifications for safe blasting Procedures. We have assisted our clients with the selection of qualified blaster, reviewed submittals from the blaster, and provided blast monitoring services to determine compliance with the specifications. GEOTILL has performed forensic studies of damage claims from blasting.
GEOTILL also has significant rock engineering experience, including site investigations, design, and construction observation. Our experience includes design of foundations for buildings, bridges, and dams supported by rock. GEOTILL has designed new rock cuts and stabilized existing rock cuts for roads, quarries, building excavations, dams, and along reservoirs. Rock bolting, excavation support, rockfall mitigation, and tiedown anchors are common in our designs. GEOTILL has designed tunnels for highways and water supply, and renovated existing tunnels.