The goal of a groundwater development program is to produce groundwater of the desired quantity and quality at the least cost. The end use of the groundwater is likely to determine the well siting and design requirements, and in turn, project costs. For example, municipal water supply wells may have more stringent water quality requirements than agricultural wells.
Successful groundwater development starts with a well siting study that evaluates the local hydrogeologic conditions and existing nearby groundwater production in order to design a well capable of producing the quantity and quality of water desired. GEOTILL considers well siting studies a cost effective and potentially cost saving component of a groundwater development program. Well construction oversight ensures that the well is constructed as designed to function most effectively in a hydrogeologic setting, and meet well construction permitting requirements.
Another important component of groundwater management includes the monitoring and analysis of groundwater data. GEOTILL has developed groundwater monitoring programs which include the evaluation of existing monitoring programs and identification of additional data needed to more fully monitor groundwater levels and quality. Developing a groundwater monitoring program may include the design and installation of dedicated monitoring wells, developing monitoring protocol, and developing data management systems to allow for the quick and efficient analysis of new data and preparation of monitoring reports. Monitoring reports are often used by water managers and regulatory agencies to evaluate the state of the basin and identify the need for additional groundwater management.