Did you attend CPT ’14 in Las Vegas, Nevada?

If so then you know the wealth of geotechnical expertise that was shared, and if not, then be sure to examine the scope of professional papers published from the event available for review now on their website.


Whether you are a seasoned CPT veteran or just considering entering the cone penetration profession, the topics covered at CPT ’14 provide current geotechnical expertise that you can benefit from.

Some of the topics covered include:

  • The effect of sleeve diameter on fs measurements
  • Axial and torsional axisymmetric laboratory interface shear tests for CPT attachment studies
  • Geotechnical Offshore Seabed Tool (GOST): A new cone penetrometer
  • Evaluating rolling dynamic compaction of fill using CPT
  • Verification of compaction grouting program using CPT in liquefiable soils
  • Use of CPT for stability and performance evaluation of Mississippi River Revetment slope in New Orleans
  • Role of CPTu in design of large Atlantic port terminal in Costa Rica
  • Use of CPT for design, monitoring, and performance verification of compaction projects
  • Using piezocone to assess strength gain of gold tailings in semi-arid environment
  • Interpretation of geotechnical parameters from seismic piezocone tests
  • Novel applications of CPT for verification of ground improvement projects
  • Fault study using CPT, drill and trenching data
  • Shear strength evaluation of preloaded stabilized dredged sediments using CPT