Sitting in the midst of two plains, Ohio is a mixture of both highs and lows. A portion is covered by the Great Lake Plains and the Till Plains. The area is characterized by the till often seen in glaciers. Another key feature of the state, is the Ohio River which snakes along the bottom-most edge of the state. At the northern most parts of the state, Lake Erie sits.
The Inner Workings of Geotechnical Drilling | The Driller
The Inner Workings of Geotechnical Drilling Column Helps Drillers, Consultants Improve Drilling Operations Geotechnical drilling is a compelling field. With The Underground Network, we aim to help drillers, assistant drillers, consultants and others navigate its complexities. Welcome to The Underground Network, a new column designed unravel the inner workings of geotechnical drilling. I aim to provide candid, constructive insights for experienced drillers, assistant drillers just starting out and environmental consultants alike. I hope to make this column a must-read for enhancing your knowledge and improving your drilling operations. Why should you read The Underground Network? In this first edition, I outline the topics I plan to cover and offer a couple of starter bits of advice. Practical Techniques and Tips: Geotechnical drilling is a compelling field, and it’s important to stay up-to-date on new techniques and tips that can improve your everyday drilling efficiency onsite. I can provide practical insights, proven approaches and fresh ideas you can apply directly to your everyday work onsite. These tips can complement your existing skills, minimize downtime and ultimately improve the outcomes of your client’s projects. What kind of tips? How about this: Looking to be a better driller? Baroid IDP has conducted drilling fluid trainings for over 50 years, offering field and classroom seminars and demonstrations for rig personnel, contractors, engineers, geologists and regulatory personnel. These seminars, held annually in Houston, consist of five-day courses covering basic drilling fluids technology as well as operational applications such as water well drilling, diamond coring for minerals exploration and construction-trenchless technology. I can guide you through the sign-up process. Industry Updates and News: Success in our drilling industry requires you to stay informed about the latest trends and developments. I plan to deliver important industry updates, including new technologies, drilling rig advancements and regulatory changes. By [...]